
Today marks a very special day: It’s been 3 years since SUBJAM, SPC was incorporated. As I look back on what we’ve accomplished so far, and look forward to what we have to accomplish in the future, I’m more determined than ever to “reach down and lift the crowd up,” as an incredibly talented artist...
SubJam v1.0b40 (beta) was just released today. This build is recommended for all of you current beta testers: Fixes audio stream not initializing for some devices Updates to latest version of the Opus audio codec (1.5.2) If you don’t have the beta yet and have an iPhone, iPad or Apple OSX computer, you can help...
The new Subjam iOS beta app (released today) makes a move to “Ogg Opus” for audio. This means we’ve made broadcasters from this point forward sound even better, while requiring less data. Win-win! It also cuts a path toward implementing some pretty cool features in the future (win-win-win!) Ogg Opus is an audio codec &...
There’s a new, updated iOS (Beta) v30 which fixes problems iPhone 12 and other users have been having with starting broadcasts. Thanks to all who continue to test and give feedback 🙂 The coding team is continuing to develop the app as much as we can. I’ve also had the opportunity to do a podcast...
We’re happy to report that the issue regarding login sessions becoming stale (but users not being redirected to log in) was resolved with the latest update. This would appear like you’re logged into the app, but you couldn’t do things like list or start broadcasts, listen to recorded broadcasts or edit your profile. Thanks to...
Issue: On some devices, if you’re not seeing current information (for example, if the “Recorded” feed is empty), logging out and back in is a possible remedy. We’re working to get this issue resolved, thanks for being awesome and reporting bugs!
SubJam’s Apple-iOS-early-early-buggy-crashy-beta 😉 has landed! To get it, just fill out this form. Once you do that, just follow these few easy steps: Accept the email invitation from “Apple Developer” with the subject, “You’re invited to join a development team.” as soon as possible (it expires within 3 days.) You’ll be guided to install TestFlight,...
Here’s a flyer you can post on your socials and offline. Completing our first beta and getting more subscribers are our most important goals right now. Development on the SubJam iOS beta has slowed but is still faithfully moving forward to complete MVP requirements. We apologize for the delay. Your continued donations, big and small,...
SubJam stands with Bandcamp staff, one of the good guys of independent music streaming, as they experience layoffs and resignations shortly after being bought by Epic and subsequently sold to Songtradr. Bandcamp is so much more than just another music streaming platform. They’re a worldwide community of independent artists and fans. They are their own...
Our iOS MVP is 90% complete with only Ogg/Opus streaming to go. From the Opus audio codec website: “Opus is a totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec. Opus is unmatched for interactive speech and music transmission over the Internet, but is also intended for storage and streaming applications.” Opus streaming will allow artists to...
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