SubJam: Blog

News and Forecast for SubJam, SPC
2 years ago today, SubJam – a Social Purpose Corporation (SPC) – was born. I set out on a mission to create a local music streaming network that helped build and foster music communities around the world. Image by suethomas from Pixabay SubJam’s social purposes...
Image attribution: Bryce Haymond. License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) We’ve re-launched development for the Apple/iOS app and backend with a new dev team! We’re more excited than ever to launch our first beta and start building communities. We’re about 80% done with both...
SubJam announces an online audio broadcasting and recording station for venues. The premise is pretty simple: Document and stream every show. We’ve put together an open source hardware and software solution for venues who want to offer artists an option to broadcast audio of their...
We’ve published our annual Social Purpose Report here. We appreciate everyone involved in the SubJam project, past present and future! Thank you for helping us change the world.
SubJam wishes you safe, healthy and fun times through the 2022 holidays! We’re grateful for you and to be on this journey with you, to help global music culture move into a more local, live, open, libre, accessible and sustainable future. We’re still small but...
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