Issue: On some devices, if you’re not seeing current information (for example, if the “Recorded” feed is empty), logging out and back in is a possible remedy. We’re working to get this issue resolved, thanks for being awesome and reporting bugs!
SubJam’s Apple-iOS-early-early-buggy-crashy-beta 😉 has landed! To get it, just fill out this form. Once you do that, just follow these few easy steps: Accept the email invitation from “Apple Developer” with the subject, “You’re invited to join a development team.” as soon as possible (it...
Here’s a flyer you can post on your socials and offline. Completing our first beta and getting more subscribers are our most important goals right now. Development on the SubJam iOS beta has slowed but is still faithfully moving forward to complete MVP requirements. We...
SubJam stands with Bandcamp staff, one of the good guys of independent music streaming, as they experience layoffs and resignations shortly after being bought by Epic and subsequently sold to Songtradr. Bandcamp is so much more than just another music streaming platform. They’re a worldwide...
Our iOS MVP is 90% complete with only Ogg/Opus streaming to go. From the Opus audio codec website: “Opus is a totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec. Opus is unmatched for interactive speech and music transmission over the Internet, but is also intended for...